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Por RECYCL'ART by Xtina de Spain

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Europe 10,00 € + 5,00 €

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Europe 0,00 €
Europe 15,00 €
Europe 20,00 €

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Tarif envoi orientatif à recfrmer selon destination finale et conditionnement nécessaire
Precio de envio orientativo a recfrmar segun destino final y necesidades de condicionamiento
Sending fare remains orientative and to be recfrmed depending of final destination and necessities of conditionning of the article

La mer , les flots maintenant le bateau ! Feuille , branche & fils de palmier , sarments de vigne , cuir et liège. Le "OLA -LA" transporte des dattes et des coquillages ..... !
"On dit que le bateau navigue , amoureux de la mer " ( Escobar )

Desde el hermoso mar de Alboran... ahora llega el barco! Hoja , rama & hilos de palmera , sarmientos de vid , cuero y corcho. El "OLA-LA" transporta dátiles & conchas....toda un aventurero !
"Dicen que el barco navega enamorado del mar" - ( Escobar )


From the beautiful Sea of Alboran , here comes the sailing boat !Leaf, branch and hair of palmtree , vine branch , leather and cork. The "OLA-LA" is transporting dates and shells .....Adventure straight ahead!
"It's said the boat is sailing , in love with the sea" ( Escobar )

***Pièces uniques et sur mesure / Articulos unicos & a medida / Articles uniques and tailor made

***Dans ce cas ci , exclusivité pour / En este caso , articulo exclusivo para / In this case , article exclusive for PASION CARIBEÑA (